I was going through a short biography of one of the richest man on planet, Warren Buffet, and found an interesting quote from him about earning money and happiness. What matters and what now. It makes a deep sense and gives a better meaning to life. Here it goes:
My guess is that if Ted Williams was getting the highest salary in baseball and he was hitting .220, he would be unhappy. And if he was getting the lowest salary in baseball and batting .400, he’d be very happy. That’s the way I feel about doing this job. Money is a by-product of doing something I like doing extremely well.
As far as I guess by reading his biography, he mean it! Sometimes, what is perceived as the aim is not the aim but the byproduct of fulfilling your aim. In words of Simon Sinek, a company works not to earn profits. Profits are a result. The vision of a company is to do what it is best at doing and what it enjoys most. And this is same as what Warren Buffet says. Well, I will come to post by Simon Sinek later on in another post.